of squirrels and freezing summers... Kingston, Ontario
Kingston is a wonderful town indeed. it has as many squirrels as singapore has shrubs. everywhere u turn u see one. but the mind-baffling thing is everytime u whip out a camera, u NEVER see one. or rather, the one u just saw u no longer are seeing.
otherwise, Kingston is a cosy, comfortable town with downtown Kingston, Princess Street, just a relaxing 20 minute walk away... people here are mostly friendly and accomodating; cars stop at a green light to let pedestrains across the road. something i will never ever see in singapore. and being a university town helped lower the overall age profile of the residents in Kingston; either students, or very old seniors who have been living here for ages. the former seem to dominate still, though. this huge building here, City Hall, is actually showcased on the Kingston website itself, a local grand dame that housed the local administrative departments.
home on the other hand, is in a cosy little room at Harkness International Hall... a little run down, but cosy nonetheless... and friendly pple around me, all smiley and nice... only the residents here seemed to booze quite a little, so for teetotaller chiew this is a new environment to get used to. the weather started out cool and chilling with summer sun, but for the past 2 days, though, has been uncharacteristically cold, alike last semester's Great Singapore Winter. i've been here almost a week, and just had time to get down to writing these entries, and i'm still not very acclimatized. freezing my butts off...
so sorry folks no other pics yet... havent had the time to upload, so i shal just post these descriptive narrations of my initial emotions, impressions and events transpired. given my long-winded expressions and bombastic vocabulary so often groused about, if you so choose to swear off reading my travel blog, i can fully understand. anyway this is about me mugging in kingston, though mugging hasnt really started. "when pictures are up, you will see them." spoken matter-of-factly, this sounds rather farrell... can't blame me, i'm in farrelland.
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